A spell to shift bad habits

A spell to shift bad habits

Everyone knows that New Years is a great marker for starting afresh. While the night itself is often celebrated with festivities and partying, the first months of the year make for a great opportunity to move past aspects in our lives that could be holding us back. Taking the time to look inward and evaluate the goals we intend to achieve can set a precedent for success over the next year.

One spell I find particularly useful this time of year is for getting rid of bad habits. Bad habits are often the result of negative energies penetrating our health and wellbeing. They can get in the way of goals or frustrate day-to-day life, manifesting in many different ways. Whether it be nail biting, procrastinating or Instagramming late into the night, there are many little things that eventually add up to a habit that impacts you or others negatively. This is a simple spell to neutralise these negative energies, helping to make room for positive habits!

Keep in mind that this spell will be most effective when performed during the waning moon, as the moon tends to draw things to it as it gets smaller.

What you will need

A small scrap of paper


20 centimeters of black string

A jug of Water

A stone for will-power and adaptability (amethyst, black onyx and turquoise are good)

What to do

Cast your circle (preferably outside, as we will need to dig a hole in the earth to place items in).

Meditate quietly on the habit you wish to break until it is clear in your mind. Take your paper and write the habit that you would like to break.

Now take the stone you have chosen and hold it in your hand. When you are ready, say “this stone is willpower and adaptability. Lend me your gifts and seal this spell with wisdom”.

Scrunch the piece of paper tightly around the gemstone you have chosen and tie the black string around the paper saying “this string seals the habit I wish to break. It is secured tightly, but will soon shift and fall as this habit will loosen its grasp around me.” Repeat this a few times as you tie the string securely.

Dig a hole for the bundle of paper to be buried in. Place it in the hole and pour the jug of water over it slowly, saying “water, cleanser of the spirit, release me from this habit’s grasp”.

Now focusing on the bundle in the hole, say “as I seal this spell with earth, may it break down the habit that has weighed on my heart”.

Push the remaining earth back over the hole and leave until you feel the habit shift, occasionally pouring water over the broken earth. When you go to retrieve your stone you will see that the earth and water has broken down the paper and loosened the string, but the stone remains intact – just as your habit will wane but leave your will-power and adaptability intact.

Keep your stone nearby wherever you feel the habit may return, using it as a reminder of your conviction and allowing its strength to flow into you.

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Some of the information provided on this Witchcraft Blog are based on myth, folklore and tradition and may suggest some supernatural or medicinal powers, however we make no claims as to their medical, magickal, psychic or esoteric properties and are sold as curios only.

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