Colours and Magick

Colours and Magick

Colour MagickColour is an amazing thing. It speaks to our minds and bodies and shapes our emotions and moods. It can energise us or drain us, cheer us up or calm us down. In Wicca, we recognise this as a special type of Magick, and over time have come to understand the mystic properties of the shades that form the visible spectrum of light.We use colour to represent and invoke the elements, enhance magic and even use specific colours to write runes and sigils. And while some details attached to colours vary, the significance we have attached to colours throughout history have crossed over in uncanny ways.

The following is a quick guide to the meanings of colours and how you can apply them to your magick.


White is often associated with purity and spirit and it can be used to deflect evil energies and negativity. Use for protection, repelling black magick, illuminating truth, and enhancing personal strength. White is the colour of resilience and self control. Burning sage bound with a while ribbon is useful for banishing evil energy and ghosts or purifying an area you plan to work magick in.


Pink is the colour of love, harmony, intimacy, youth, romance, friendship and family. It is often used in association with femininity and pink candles are often used in spells involving love, fertility and friendship. Because it reminds us of spring, the colour pink can also represent new and blossoming relationships.

A simple spell to attract a prospective love is to light a pink candle whispering “pink as love, light and free, seek out love and deliver to me”. Leave the candle to burn by an open window for added efficacy.


Red is a potent colour and the largest wavelength in our visible spectrum. It grabs our attention and has a strong influence over us both physically and spiritually. Red denotes the element of fire and the southern cardinal point and represents passion, power, vitality, bravery, anger, prosperity and aggression.

Placing a coin or note beneath a red candle and lighting the wick is a simple spell to attract money to whoever’s name you inscribe in the wax.


Representing air and the eastern cardinal point, yellow is most commonly associated with happiness but it also represents divination, will, intellect, communication, faith and friendship. A golden yellow is associated with trust whereas a more pastel-toned yellow can be linked with psychic pursuits and creativity. Yellow improves happiness and charisma, strength of will, vitality, purpose and effectiveness of undertakings.

When I’m suffering writer’s block, I hold a piece of twine over the flame of a yellow candle, repeating “this ribbon is the rope that binds my creativity, let the flame of the east free me from these bonds” until the twine burns through. It’s a great spell to ease any creative block or stagnation.


As a combination of red and yellow colours, orange is a simulator and motivator of physical and emotional energies. It can be used to enhance comfort, success, focus the mind and increase the enjoyment of others and yourself.

If you find yourself unable to focus, lighting a small orange candle and saying aloud “as this candle burns down to land, so am I focused on the task at hand”. I have also found that wearing a piece of orange twine that I have previously charged with magick is great for keeping maintaining energy and motivation.


Representing the element of earth and the Northern cardinal point, green is a powerful colour. The colour-detecting cones of the human eye are more sensitive to green frequencies than any other and spells involving the colour green weave potent magick. Green is associated with fertility, hope, joy, prosperity, delight, growth and change. Deep forest green connects with the body, courage and the wilderness. Pale green is associated with physical and emotional healing as it reflects the colour of saplings and seeds sprouting from the earth.

For a simple healing spell, gather some dried eucalyptus leaves in a bowl and set them alight. Repeat “by this healing spell (insert name) is good and well” until the leaves burn through. Write the person who is experiencing illness’ name on a piece of green paper. Collect the burnt leaves and place them in a jar with the name of the person and bury the jar in the earth for a full cycle of the moon.

BlueColour Candle Magick

Blue denotes the element of water and the western cardinal point. Blue is the colour of wisdom and thought, peace, reflection, healing, protection harmony, sincerity, emotions, patience and trust.

Meditating with the image of the colour blue surrounding your body will grant you peace, clarity and protection from intrusive thoughts and ill will. Light a blue candle when the bounds of your patience are being pushed to the limit and it will help you think clearly.


Purple is the colour of spirituality, purity, psychic work, wisdom, power, wealth, good fortune, the cosmos, religious thought and faith. Focusing on the flame of a purple candle will lend spiritual peace and clarity and aid in expanding  consciousness. Wearing a purple piece of twine around your wrist or ankle reduces insomnia and guards you from psychic intrusions.


Brown is often forgotten within the visual spectrum, but it is a powerful colour that works well in combination with magick involving green shades. Brown denotes protection, humbleness, unity with nature, wisdom, warmth, healing and connection with animals. The brown body of a tree lifts it’s green leaves to the sky and draws sustenance from the earth, thus it is helpful for grounding, divining answers or truths and seeking comfort. Meditating on the flame of a brown candle may help to enhance your understanding of those around you, including animals.


As the colour of night, black can sometimes seem foreboding and represents evil, negativity or depression. Yet, it can also represent protection and clarity as it absorbs all other spectrum of light into itself. It reminds us of the temporal nature of troubled times and can aid in sleep and banishment of unwanted energies. You can burn a black piece of twine to banish bad habits and lingering negativity or to symbolise the end of past grievances.

If you’re looking to stock up on candles to try out colour magick for yourself, you can find a huge range at our online store

Disclaimer: This site is for informative purposes only and its content should not be considered professional advice. While every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy it is no replacement for the attention of a dedicated professional. The Sacred Willow and it;s proprietors cannot be held responsible for any damage and/or injury suffered resulting from actions and/or decisions based on information found on the site. Please do not self diagnose any condition regarding your own or another’s health. Always seek professional advice or arrange a consultation.

Some of the information provided on this Witchcraft Blog are based on myth, folklore and tradition and may suggest some supernatural or medicinal powers, however we make no claims as to their medical, magickal, psychic or esoteric properties and are sold as curios only.

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