Setting Up An Altar

Setting Up An Altar

Setting up an altar may seem daunting if you are new to your path. If it is something you would like to try but are unsure where to begin here are some answers to commonly asked questions to help you along the way.

What is the difference between an altar and a sacred space?

An altar is generally a small area set up with items of worship whilst a sacred space tends to be a larger area that you can physically place yourself. However, the two titles can be interchangeable. What you call your altar or sacred space is entirely up to you.

Do I have to have to create an altar?

Absolutely not! Not all pagans feel the pull to create an altar. Altars are very personal things and differ from person to person and path to path.

Where can I set up my altar?

Altars can be set up anywhere but consideration needs to be given to your situation.  If you live in a share house then it may not be best to set up your altar in the living room. Equally if you have young children you may want to create you altar somewhere that it is out of reach or create it using items that will not harm you children should they play with them. Your beliefs may also be taken into consideration when choosing a location for your altar. A kitchen witch, for example, may find it more beneficial to place their altar in the kitchen. There is also no need to limit yourself to indoor spaces. An outdoor altar can help you find a close connection with nature.

Does it have to be elaborate or fancy?

Definitely not! As a place for you to honour your path it is best to set up your altar in a way that reflects your journey whilst also being mindful of spatial constraints. If you have the space and inclination to do so you can set up an altar in your living area that would rival the Notre Dame cathedral. Or, if you are more modest in your beliefs or work space, perhaps four small glasses filled with representations of the four elements would better suit you. Don’t be afraid of tapping into your creative side or think outside the box when creating an altar. Consider trying to create an altar-in-a-box, a pin board altar, or even a garden altar.

What can I put on my altar?

This will largely come down to your personal beliefs but altars can contain any of the following or more:

– altar cloth

– crystals

– representations of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water)

– candles

– representations of any goddesses/gods you worship

– chalice

– athame

– offerings to goddesses/gods/ancestors

– runes

– singing bowls

– bells

– herbs

Can I change my altar if I no longer like it?

Of course you can. Pagan beliefs tend to evolve over time and where you start out is generally not where you will be in five years time. Don’t hesitate to add or take away from your altar as your journey and beliefs evolve.

Where can I find inspiration for my altar?

One word…Pinterest! Google and Facebook pages are also great places to look for inspiring ideas.  We also have images of our own personal altars on this page under the Sabbats and Celebrations heading.  

Who can I talk to if I have questions?

Facebook has hundreds, if not thousands, of pagan, Wiccan, spiritual etc. communities filled with people who would be only too happy to help with any questions. New age/spiritual stores, both physical and online, are also great places to visit and ask questions.

Just remember that, at the end of the day, your altar needs to represent you and your beliefs so as great as it is to get input from others never feel obliged or pressured to incorporate any elements that you don’t suit you.

Have fun creating your altar or sacred space and make it personal to you and your unique witchyness!! 

Blessed Be x 

You can find plenty of items to make your altar meaningful to you at our website

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Some of the information provided on this Witchcraft Blog are based on myth, folklore and tradition and may suggest some supernatural or medicinal powers, however we make no claims as to their medical, magickal, psychic or esoteric properties and are sold as curios only.

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