The Great Pagan Recruitment Drive

The Great Pagan Recruitment Drive

pagan recruit
“Do you have a moment to talk about Pagan life?”

Knock, knock…

“Good morning mam, how are you today? Do you have a moment to talk about Pagan life and how it can benefit you?…”

Okay so we don’t do that but imagine if we did. Somewhere along the way we seem to have been lumped with the undeserved label of “Satan’s Henchmen”. Perhaps a good old fashioned door to door recruitment drive is just exactly what we need to turn around public opinion. Admittedly religious door knockers are looked upon unfavourably but I’m thinking the Girl Scouts are onto a winning idea with the cookie thing. What’s to stop us knocking on doors and offering a variety of crystals while we bend their ears about the amazing life they could live as a pagan. We could be like door-to-door vacuum salesmen just offering a less sucky product.

“Good morning ma’am, can I interest you in any tumbles? They come in amethyst, rose quartz, tourmaline, citrine…I also have a variety pack available if you want to try a sample of each one. They are 100% allergen and calorie free but they do come with a high chance of changing your life…speaking of which, have you heard of the benefits of meditation?”

Of course we would come up against people who would accuse us of corrupting the souls of the innocent with our wicked ways but perhaps we can sway them with offers of white sage so they can go smudge themselves; a good smudging can do wonders for the soul after all.

In all seriousness…
People always want to know how they can make a difference in the world and I truly believe that sharing our journey with others would be a large step in the direction of doing just that. There are many people that would benefit from someone stopping by their home and just acknowledging that, no matter what their belief system, they are an amazingly beautiful person that makes the world a better place simply because they exist in it.

In my experience, pagans are amongst the most kind-hearted and generous souls the world over. Let us share the love with our neighbours, with strangers we meet in the street, our families, our friends, and even with each other. Make some one smile, pay forward a kindness, spend time with someone who is distanced from their family, talk to the dog that you meet in the park, smile at a passing baby, tell the mother who is trying to shop with a screaming toddler that she is doing a great job…any little way that you can, share the love and you will be showing people exactly how beautiful it is to be a pagan.

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Some of the information provided on this Witchcraft Blog are based on myth, folklore and tradition and may suggest some supernatural or medicinal powers, however we make no claims as to their medical, magickal, psychic or esoteric properties and are sold as curios only.

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