Sacred Tools
Witches Wand

Witches Wand

A Brief History Of The Witches Wand.

The witches wand has a very long history with it’s use dating as far back as 2800 BC with the ancient Egyptians. Back then it wasn’t the wooden kind that we have become familiar with. Archeologists discovered a witches wand made from hippopotamus ivory in a semi-circle shape with mystical creatures carved on it with an animals head at the end. Since then many more like it have been discovered and more prominently in what they believed to be birthing rooms.

The more familiar witches wand that is made from wood dates back to 500 BC and originates from the northern cultures of the Celts and the Druids. Druids were know as the shamanic people of the Celts and they had a very healthy respect for nature, in fact they believed that a witches wand should only be pruned from a certain tree on a certain day and hour of the year.

Magick Of A Witches Wand

A witches wand is not a supercharged magick producing tool, it is merely an extension of the witches power and used to direct energy and intent. In other words if a child or unsuspecting adult were to get their hands on your witches wand they will not wreak havoc by turning people into all sorts of things. A witch will never share nor borrow another witches wand as it is sacred to you and you only, therefore it’s a good idea to keep it in a place where those who can’t follow the “look but don’t touch” rule will leave it be.

Acquiring Your Witches Wand

Before you get your new witches wand you need to decide whether or not you are going to buy or make your own wand.  There is nothing wrong with buying your first witches wand as they are generally well decorated and beautifully designed. Making your own wand gives a great sense of self accomplishment but also you will have a deeper connection with the wand as you know it’s entire history compared to buying one.  If cutting your own branch please give thanks to the tree and ask permission of the tree before cutting the wand.

As a rule of thumb the length of your witches wand should approximately measure from your elbow to the tip of your middle finger. If the branch your cutting has a knot/knuckle in it and is longer than your measurement I would advise keeping the knot and having it a little longer as I believe that knot/knuckle is storing and will keep storing energy. Make the cut as quick and clean as possible and give thanks to the tree for it’s sacrifice.

Once cut you can also cast a circle and invite your guides, god and goddess to be present while decorating and carving your new witches wand. While you’re at it, do a cleansing ritual to clear away negative energies from the past.

The moment you acquire your new witches wand it begins to be charged with your energy and intent. A lot of witches will hold a ceremony where they will cast a circle and work within that circle to energise their new witches wand.

You are now ready to work with your new witches wand.

Blessed Be

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