Spells for Uncertain Times

We are living in unprecedented times.  Walking around with friends or at work, I hear bits and pieces of the same conversation.  What will the world look like now? What will happen to us? What about the economy? What about…? Even people who usually avoid  conversations about topics like politics, environmental causes and global health policy are left with uncertainties […]

Meditation Madness

You can’t even squint vaguely in the direction of the spiritual movement without stumbling across the grand concept of oneness with the universe known as MEDITATION. You sit quietly in your sacred space (read wherever you manage to find five minutes of peace from the outside world), close your eyes, calm your breathing, and allow your mind to close out […]

Full Moon Releasing Rituals

Whilst it isn’t absolutely essential, choosing the right moon phase when working a spell or ritual can be highly beneficial to the strength of the magick. Full moons are great for working spells and rituals designed to help release anything in your life that no longer serves you. The idea is that as the lunar energies change during its phase […]

The Great Pagan Recruitment Drive

Knock, knock… “Good morning mam, how are you today? Do you have a moment to talk about Pagan life and how it can benefit you?…” Okay so we don’t do that but imagine if we did. Somewhere along the way we seem to have been lumped with the undeserved label of “Satan’s Henchmen”. Perhaps a good old fashioned door to […]

Setting Up An Altar

Setting up an altar may seem daunting if you are new to your path. If it is something you would like to try but are unsure where to begin here are some answers to commonly asked questions to help you along the way. What is the difference between an altar and a sacred space? An altar is generally a small […]

Pagan Prejudice

As Pagans we come across many prejudices in life, mostly from those outside of our community (I’m sure we’ve all heard the “you’re going to hell” spiel at least once). There is one prejudice, however, that often crops up from within our own ranks – the belief that it is not possible to live a truly spiritual life if you […]

Moon Phases and Spellwork

When casting a spell you obviously want to give it every chance to work. There is a time and place for your spell and understanding which phase of the moon to cast your spell in will be a contributing factor to the success of your spell. You will find that working with the moon your spells will increase in strength […]

Himalayan Salt Lamps

Where do Himalayan salt lamps come from? Himalayan salt lamps are mined from deep within the Himalayan mountains. The majority of pink salt products and Himalayan salt lamps are produced in a salt mine in Pakistan called Khewra. It is typically mined in a similar fashion to underground coal mining where it is then brought to the surface and hand […]

How To Cast A Circle

What Is A Circle? Before casting any spell there is always prep work to be done and the main thing you need to learn is how to cast a circle. A circle is a place for you to work in that only holds positive energy and keeps negative energy out. The size of the circle is entirely up to you […]